Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Anak laki-laki Pertama

      Anggapan tentang laki-laki pertama. Menurut saya anak laki laki pertama dan memiliki beberapa adik adalah suatu kewajiban bagi anak laki-laki itu untuk dapat membantu orang tua dan juga membiayai adik-adiknya. Bukan karena orangtua dengan kondisi mampu atau tidak. Tetapi karena kondisi tanggung jawab yang dimilikinya.
      Oleh karena itu saya kurang setuju dengan laki-laki yang menggangap sepele akan hal ini. Saya berharap, kelak saya akn memberikan contoh pada anak-anak laki-laki pertama utuk lebih bertanggung jawab terhadap keluarganya walaupun saya adalah anak terakhir di keluarga saya.

Keindahan Bagai Surga

Bagai bintang jatuh dari surga.
Begitu indah.
Senyum yang menawan.
Tangan yang begitu lembut.
Kapan kau mulai mengisi hatiku?
Manghiasi hari-hari yang indah.
Memberi perubahan yang tak terduga.
Tak sedikitpun ada noda.
Setitik debu ataupun sebercak tinta.
Hanya senyum yang ada.
Taruslah begini.
Janganlah berhenti.
Janganlah menghilang.
Terleih harus pergi.
Aku ingin semua tetap begini.
Walaupun satu juta tahun yang harus aku lewati.
Aku akan lewati.

Larangan Duduk Mengkangkang Terhadap Penumpang Wanita Berkendaraan Motor di Aceh

Beberapa hari ini ada gempar - gemparnya perinatah larangan duduk mengkangkang bagi wanita yang di bonceng naik motor di Aceh, Sumatera Utara. Banyak kaum hawa yang tidak nyaman akan adanya peraturan yang di keluarkan oleh pemerintah ini. karena akan membahayakan para penumpang juga pengendara kendaraan bermotor karena kurangnya keseimbangan dalam berkendara asalkan pengendara menggunakan pakaian yang layak dan tidak menimbulkan mudhorot. Pemerintah seharunya lebih bijaksana kembali dalam membuat keputusan agar tidak ada yang merasa dirugikan.

Puisi Tentang Bumi

Bumiku Menangis

Hujan yang membasahi tanah.
Begitu terlihat seperti menangis.
Bukan menangis karena benci.
Tapi karena sedih.
Saat malam pun datang.
Tak ada bintang.
Tak terlihat bulan.
Ternyata langit masih bersedih.
Haruskah aku mengusap air mata ini?
Bumi, janganlah menangis.
Jadikan semua cerah seperti semula.

by : Ncha

Cell Phone and Kids

Cell phones

            It's pretty common to see teens talking and texting on their cell phones, but in recent years, younger and younger kids are also getting cell phones for a variety of reasons.
            Whether it's making sure their child gets home safe from school or wanting to keep in touch while away from one another, some parents are opting to get their child a cell phone for those quick calls to check in -- as well as for emergencies that need attention.
            If you're thinking about getting a cell phone for your child, but have concerns they may be too young, spend some time thinking about the reasons you're getting the phone and research what types of phones and service options are available for younger kids.
            Kajeet has gotten recognition for being a tween- and teen-friendly cell phone service because of its parental controls -- which include blocking calls, pictures and text messaging, as well as setting time limits. With Kajeet and WalletManager, you can have your kids help pay for their plan with allowances to help teach responsibility, while at the same time giving them some of the independence they're looking for. For the safety parents are looking for, Kajeet offers GPS in addition to its parental control capabilities.
            Having a family computer in your home is great. Kids can use it for everything from playing video games to researching for homework assignments. A family computer is easy to monitor, particularly if you keep it in a common area of the house -- like the family room -- where you can keep a watchful eye on your children's online activities.
            But the day will come when your child wants a portable computer -- a laptop or, more commonly these days, a tablet. And of course, it's not so easy to keep an eye on a portable device. So at what age should you allow your child to have his own tablet? There are a variety of factors to consider.

            When your children are young, you might not want to spend several hundred dollars on a tablet if they aren't quite careful enough or responsible enough yet to handle it. If you do choose to allow your preschooler or other young child to use a tablet computer, make sure it's used only with direct parental supervision.
            Types of tablets -- You don't have to spring for an iPad for your child. Many companies have created special tablets for kids, from toddlers to tweens. Kids' tablets have apps and many of the other functions available on the traditional "adult" tablets. Check out these top 10 tablets for kids.
            Most teens are mature enough to have their own laptop or tablet computer. Talk to your tweens and teens regularly about online safety and take precautions to keep them safe.
Social networking sites
            To connect with friends on social networking sites like Facebook, users need to be at least 13 years old. But with difficulty in tracking a user's age, it's important for parents to know what social networks and virtual worlds their kids are using to socialize, and at what age it's appropriate for them to be there.
            If you're going to allow your kids to join a social network, consider how much personal information you want public, and set privacy settings so that only certain people are allowed to see their profiles and interact with them. Limiting the amount of time they spend on sites and protecting them from online predators are all real concerns and boundaries that need to be set before they set up their accounts.
            While Facebook and others may have age requirements, other sites are specific to younger audiences and provide more gaming features. They may also be more restricted when it comes to socializing online. While these sites may seem less threatening to younger audiences, parents should never assume predators are not trying to access kids, and personal information should remain guarded.

            Sites like BunkiMunki, Club Penguin, Everloop, Franktown Rocks and others offer younger children a taste of what social networking is like. However, it's important to teach your children how to interact when not in the virtual world, and make that type of interaction the bulk of how they spend their time. The KidZui browser is also a great option. It frees parents from having to monitor online activities because the browser only shows content and websites that have been reviewed and approved by an advisory board of parents and teachers.
            There's no certain age when technology becomes appropriate for kids. It depends on your children's maturity levels and your own family values in terms of what you want them to be exposed to. However, by choosing age-appropriate gadgets, limiting screen time and monitoring your children's activities, they can enjoy all the benefits of technology while reducing many of the risks.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

telepon seluler dan anak

Pada era globalisasi, byk orang tua yg bisa di bilang mereka mengaku menyayangi anak Mereka tetapi tdk mampu menjaga merek akan perubhan zaman. salah satunya adalah mereka mengzinkan anak2 mereka menggunakan telpon genggam dpn umur yg msh sangat dini. Seharusnya orang tua mampu memikirkan alasan yang tepat dalam hal mengzinkan mrk menggunakannya. slain itu, mrka harus memikirkan tipe hp yg akan di berikan,fitur2 yg terdapat didalamnya sehgga tdk berdampak negatif pada anak. orang tua pun perlu berpartisipasi dalam memant


kiamat tahun 2012 jelas tidak terbukti. Banyak orang orang yang mempercayai ramalan itu sudah mempersiapkan segalanya sepertipersediaan makanan, kapal laut, dan tempat2 berlindung lainnya. Di dalam setiap agama baik itu Islam, Kristen,Hindu,Budha maupun agama2 yg di akui lainnya memang di bhas tentang Hari Akhir atau Kiamat. Tetapi, sekali lg mereka meyakini pula kalau hanya Tuhan yang tahu akan datangnya hari itu. Sebagai umat yang beragama dan berdidikan tdk Lah perlu memikirkan kpn terjadinya kiamat, tetapi apa yg akan kita persiapkan untk menghadapinya dgn berbuat baik dan beramal.