Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Tugas 3 Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Nama: Firda Huurunnisa
NPM: 12610796
kelas: 4SA03

TYPE A nomor 7
1.      If a crisis occursthose unfamiliar with the procedures wouldn’t know how  to handle
                     A    B                                                                   C                D
the situation.
Answer: B. This unfamiliar

TYPE B nomor 9
 The Egyptians first discovered that dying fruits preserved it, made it sweeter and
     A                            B                                               C
improve  its flavor.
Answer: D. Improved

TYPE C nomor 6
The sooner  you leave,  the earliest  you will  arrive at your destination.
                    A             B                C              D
            Answer: C. The earlier

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